Power Integrations, which provides high-voltage integrated circuits for energy-efficient power conversion, has introduced a new product in its InnoMux-2 family of single-stage, independently regulated multi-output offline power supply ICs.
The new device features a 1,700 V gallium nitride (GaN) switch, fabricated using the company’s PowiGaN technology and building on the company’s 900 V and 1,250 V devices launched in 2023.
The 1,700 V InnoMux-2 IC supports 1,000 VDC nominal input voltage in a flyback configuration and achieves over 90% efficiency, supplying up to 70 W from three outputs.
Each output is regulated within 1% accuracy, eliminating post regulators and further improving system efficiency by approximately 10%, according to the company. The device can replace silicon carbide (SiC) transistors in power supply applications such as automotive chargers, solar inverters, three-phase meters and various industrial power systems.
“Our new InnoMux-2 ICs combine 1,700 V GaN and three other recent innovations: independent, accurate, multi-output regulation; FluxLink, our secondary-side regulation (SSR) digital isolation communications technology; and zero voltage switching (ZVS) without an active-clamp, which all but eliminates switching losses,” said Radu Barsan, VP of Technology at Power Integrations.
Source: Power Integrations